Background Verification in Pune..

As your workforce defines your organization, it is crucial to invest in human resources that are the best fit for your organization. Employee background verification enables the organization to take hiring decisions based on trust by authenticating the credentials of prospective employees like their education, identity, professional, criminal background and reputation amongst others.


The background verification eliminates the risk of hiring candidates with fraudulent background and recruits candidates with personal and professional credibility. Employee background verification also ensures an ethical, productive, and safer work environment, thereby reducing employee turnover. All companies, irrespective of the area of operation, should conduct background checks for their employees to minimize or eliminate the risks of frauds and to protect themselves against reputational and monetary losses.

The basic background verification includes:

  • Criminal records check: – This provides criminal history for the prospective employee. Especially this verification is important for positions of trust/security. This check includes national and county records.
  • Work history check: – This provides the information about the past employers, dates the candidate worked with them, candidate’s role in each company, his/her pay, performance history, his/her conduct in the company and so on. This also provides drug test results.
  • Education records check: – This provides the education details of the employee. With this check, employers will reach out to the employee’s university to match his/her credentials. This is very essential because forging degrees, bogus grades and fake certificates are actually the most common types of corporate frauds.
  • Social security validation: – This ensures the aspirant’s social security number is legitimate and finds all names, including variations and aliases, dates of birth and address history associated with the social security number. This verification shows employers if the candidate has lived in undisclosed locations or under other aliases that may reveal criminal records that would not have been found otherwise.
  • Address history check: – This procedure traces previous addresses for the candidate. This is done to find out where a candidate has lived and that will make it easier to verify other checks and may reveal jurisdictions where criminal background checks would be performed.
  • U.S. terror watch list check: – This background check is done to see whether the candidate is on the U.S. terror watch list or not. This is especially important for security jobs.
  • Sex offender registry check: – This is extremely necessary for positions of trust and this check is included with most background checks.


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   Address, City, State, Country, Pin Code:         Bldg-C-4/1, Gangapuram, Viman Nagar, Pune, Maharashtra – 411014, India

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